Recent News
Masonic Trip to the Statue of Liberty
Today we took a trip to the Statue of Liberty! It was an amazing event for our brothers and family! It was very educational and we recommend taking your family or friends!
Floral Park Lodge Installation of Officers
Today we installed our new officers for the ensuing year! Congratulations to all of our brothers! Below is our new line:
Annual Children’s Holiday Party
Every year we host our Children’s Christmas party where we provide food, gifts and entertainment. It’s always a great time!
Recent Photos
Take a look at our photo gallery of different events, trips and brotherly love.
Masonic Women’s Luncheon (2012) Masonic Testimonial Dinner (2014) Dave Brown’s Certificate and Pin Presentation (2014) Masonic Boston Visit (2015) A day at Calverton Shooting Range (2015) Veteran’s Appreciation Dinner (2015) Ladies Night (Valentine’s Day) (2016) Awards Night (2016) Family Day at Citi Field (2016) Annual Children’s Holiday Party (2016) Awards Night (2017) Woodloch Pines (2017) Annual Children’s Holiday Party (2017) Ladies Night (Valentine’s Day) (2018) Woodloch Pines (2018) Floral Park Lodge Festive Board (2018) Annual Children’s Holiday Party (2018) Masonic Evening with Triangle and Rainbow (2018) Ladies Night (Valentine’s Day) (2019) Past Masters Night (2019) Woodloch Pines (2019) Masonic Fishing Trip (2019) Masonic trip to the Statue of Liberty (2019)